The Modern history of the district starts with the advent of Europen planters to this region. In 1877 Kerala Varma , the Raja of Poonjar sold 227 Sq. Miles of Kannan Devan hills to John Danial Manroe, a British Planter. The tract was largely unexplored and covered with thick forest. He formed the North Travancore Land planting and Agriculture society. The members of the society developed their own estates in various parts of Hiranges . Roads were opened , Transport organised, Houses and factories built and productions rose rapidly in the succeeding years. The pallivasal Hydroelectric Project, the first hydroelectric project of the State was initially constructed by the tea companies for the industrial use. Planters were the first migrants to the high range region covered by dense forest. Deforestation process start in the high ranges with advent of the plantation industry by the end of the 19 th century. Vast area of evergreen forest were destroyed in connection with the construction of several hydroelectrical projects, Roads, factories etc..

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